What is Myofascial Release?

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Myofascial Release is a holistic, hands on approach using light to moderate touch. Sustained pressure is applied to the skin and over time the tissue melts in the therapist’s hands. It involves manipulating the fascial connective tissue, using mostly mild and gentle stretching.

How Is It Different Than a Massage?

The key to healing with Myofascial Release is the use of sustained pressure over long periods of time and for the patient to gain awareness of the memory of the pain. Once a person connects with the injury or painful area, releases happen.

Patients I have treated often report feeling much more balanced - physically, mentall, and emotionally!

What Myofascial Release can do for you..

❤ Decreased pain

❤ Relief of Stress

❤ Improvements in Posture and Alignment

❤ Increased Energy and Endurance

❤ Increased Awareness of Mind and Body

❤ Increased Flexibility, Mobility and Strength

❤ Improved Performance in Basic Life Activities

What is the Fascia?

Fascia is a tough connective tissue that spreads through the body in an interconnected web, surrounding organs, bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

It is made up of collagen and elastin fibers supported in a gelatinous matrix that infuses muscles down to the cellular level. It runs from the top of our heads down to the tips of our toes.

Fascia is affected by trauma, whether physical or emotional, chronic poor posture, or inflammation creates tension in the fascia causing it to harden locally. But, because it is essentially an interconnected web, this then pulls into other areas of the body, much like when you pull threads on a sweater causing all the other threads to organize along lines of tension.

This can create an array of symptoms such as pain, tingling, or burning some distance from the originally affected area as the strong fascia binds down on pain sensitive structures like nerves and blood vessels. The body loses its flexibility and orientation in space becomes compromised, so it needs more energy just to stay upright and function. As this process continues organ systems may be compromised, stress may not be as easily managed and chronic pain can set in… feeling as if one was wearing a straight jacket.

Evaluating the Fascial System

Evaluating the fascial system involves a visual assessment in standing, sitting, lying and while moving. A tactile assessment of the tissue is used during treatment. The therapist also asks for feedback from the client about connected areas felt during treatment. Assessing is an ongoing process during treatment as the therapist is attuned to feeling the restrictions release and moving to the next barrier.

Myofascial Release works!

Results of treatment vary with each individual.  Generally, patients reach their goals within four to twelve weeks, with 1 to 3 treatment sessions per week.

Chronic and more severe conditions will require greater frequency and longer lengths of treatment.