My Core Beliefs

1)    I believe in caring a great deal about why you are in pain.

2)    I believe in listening compassionately to you and hearing your story.

3)    I believe pain and injury are personal. That’s why it’s important to understand your condition and how it’s affecting you personally.

4)    I believe pain presents itself differently in each person. That’s why I don’t treat all pain in the same way.

5)    I believe in uncovering the root cause of your pain to create your individualized pain elimination plan. I don’t believe in playing guessing games.

6)    I believe you don’t have to live with pain and everyone with chronic pain can be helped.

7)    I believe in working hand-in-hand with you to lessen your pain so you can enjoy life and do the things you love to do.

8)    I believe health exists in all shapes and sizes.

9)    I believe in honoring our clients by continuously educating ourselves with new developments, scientific breakthroughs and technology in pain relief.

10) I believe in treating the whole person: Mind, Body and Spirit.

11) I believe in finding the best ansI r for you, your health and financial priorities… even if that means suggesting a treatment our team doesn’t provide.

12) I believe in healthy food, movement and relationships.

13) I believe in pushing away old boundaries and creating new ones.

14) I believe in doing what I say I will.

15) I believe in being intentional in everything I do.

16) I believe in putting yourself out there even when it scares you.

17) I believe you can create a life you love with more joy, health and purpose.