• I only deliver what I know is valuable for you based on my track record of helping over 11,000 people in the USA, Norway, India and Portugal. And although my strategies have worked for so many clients, it truly depends on your level of commitment, participation and follow through with the coaching I provide. I promise to do all I can to empower you to take action and be a self starter, and you do the work as I GUIDE YOU. I can’t do the work for you. Mindset, commitment and follow through are your responsibility and I will lead you.

    We first start with a Deep Dive strategy session to unlock your personal emotional and physical pain puzzle. Then I create an individualized plan for your healing.

    To ensure that you stay on track and get the results you want, I provide you with private coaching. In between sessions you will have 24/7 accountability access where you can reach out to me anytime for support.

  • There is no guarantee for complete healing.

    The Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method is an integral transformational approach to inspire the self-healing process. Sometimes healing will happen within a session. Sometimes it takes months or years. Other times it helps people live with a disease in a more fulfilled way, with less pain, discomfort and suffering.

    The key is that you need to take 100 percent responsibility. If you strictly follow the program and regularly practice, then improvement and success will happen.

  • DescriptionMy Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method focuses on empowering men and women to achieve life-changing results. This is done by investigating the hidden traumas to see what is causing the pain… the root cause.

    In other words, I don’t just treat the pain. I look for the hidden traumatic events under the pain.

    What’s more, because I know what it’s like to be in severe pain, feel scared I wouldn’t get better and frustrated I had no support during my most challenging moments, I provide ongoing check-ins with my clients.

    This helps you be supported during your most challenging moments and gives you accountability to ensure you finish the program. I’ll be there for you during the ups and downs of your recovery.

  • Mental toughness, or a positive mindset, is needed to overcome pain. The key is to stay strong, look for better treatment options, ask for help and never give up. When we quiet the mind and tune into the sensations of the body you can reduce your pain.

    You need to have a well-regulated nervous system, which is what I help my clients achieve so they can feel, be and act more positive.

  • The Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method is designed for busy people. In the first month we’ll develop a strategy that works for your lifestyle. You will need at least one to two hours per week. The more time you invest the faster you’ll see results.

    You may require more coaching time or face-to-face visits initially to support you through those breakthrough moments and while you are developing the skills to better manage your nervous system, feel more positive and joy.

    Once you feel comfortable then we move to every other week until you can manage your pain independently while you start fully living your life.

  • Yes, it will work for you if you work it. You do the work. This it is a program that is individualized for you and set up for your success and will help you feel happier and able to do the things you’ve been wanting to do. Almost eEvery person has hidden traumatic events under the pain that needs to be healed.

    The Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method and Break Free From Pain Program will work for you as long as you are open-minded, committed to practice and attend all your coaching sessions.

  • You have private sessions to give you ongoing support and guidance from myself. In addition, you will receive unlimited email and voxer support so you can get your questions answered at any time and be helped during any challenges you may face. This support is priceless!

  • You have the choice for your Deep Dive Strategy session to be done in person in my office in the Sonoran desert of Phoenix, Arizona or as a virtual session.

    For the Beyond Pain and Radiant Relief programs, I have brought in experts from across the USA to provide remote or local Local Ttreatments for my clients in a location convenient to you. These Local Treatments can include Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP), Myofascial Release, Massage, Acupuncture, Spa Treatment, or Float Tank to name a few options.

    The program modules are delivered online.

  • You’ll be part of our global community of like-minded people committed to self-healing. This community will keep you inspired, motivated and up to date with the newest discoveries from all around the world. And you’ll have the opportunity to interact with this community through our private Facebook group and live at future training events.

  • This program and The Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method are purposely designed to be as low-tech as possible. If you can read emails, have been on Facebook and can download files, then you’ll be fine. Plus, you’ll get plenty of personal coaching. I will guide you through the steps.

  • The Live Life Pain Free Coaching Method will work for the following conditions:
    • Chronic back pain
    • Osteoarthritis pain
    • Inflammatory conditions
    • Musculoskeletal pain (Fibromyalgia)
    • Pelvic pain and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
    • Sciatic nerve pain
    • Knee pain
    • Emotional pain Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD
    • Chronic fatigue and stress
    • Spinal stenosis
    • Herniated and or bulging discs
    • Arthritis of the spine
    • Scar release for post-surgical scars
    • Post mastectomy pain
    • Complications with surgeries
    • Cancer Recovery
    • Abdominal pain
    • Acute and Chronic Back, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain
    • Post Mastectomy/Biopsy/Reconstruction Pain/Lymphedema
    • TMJ and Jaw Pain and Dysfunction
    • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
    • Frozen Joints
    • Repetitive Strain Injuries
    • Headaches/Migraines
    • Scoliosis
    • Trigeminal Neuralgia
    • Injuries from Car Accidents
    • Vertigo
    • Neurological Conditions – Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Cerbral Palsy and more.

  • Absolutely. Narcotic pain medications protect you from surgeries, traumas and injuries. They shouldn’t be used for prolonged periods or to cover up emotions.

    Taking medications is fast and easy but pharmaceutical drugs have side effects that cause problems over time.

    It takes discipline, but it is possible to get off narcotic medications with a good support system, a comfortable living environment, a positive attitude and eating the right healthy foods.

  • Most of my clients often have a difficult marriage or are frustrated that they are not heard. They are stressed and disappointed, which leads to emotional hurt, anger and depression.

    The result is that their body takes on the physical symptoms and pain. Imagine how your pain would reduce if you were able to speak up for yourself, ask for what you need, and really be heard in your relationships? That’s what I can help you with. After all, it is important to be able to speak freely to your partner. Contact me for more information.

  • Yes. I have great success helping clients relieve backpain. Chronic back pain is very common, especially with the busyness and conveniences of modern life.

    To heal back pain, the first step is to look at how you’ve been moving your body, identify which muscles are tight and release them, manage stress and address any adhesions from surgical scars. It is possible to relieve chronic back pain once you are taught how to move correctly and how to identify which muscles are stuck. I will teach you how to release them on your own, or have a loved one help you.

  • Your beautiful body has weathered many storms in your life. It's important to eat well, move well and avoid static postures. I recommend that you take frequent walks, eat healthy food and reduce your stress.

    I’ll help you plan and create a schedule for yourself so that you continue to live your life on purpose and feel and look younger.

  • Yes. The first step is to identify which muscles are tight and why. During your Deep Dive Strategy session, we will investigate if you are standing incorrectly, if you sit too much and put pressure on your spine, legs or knees.

    Your individualized healing plan will include options to help you:
    • Stretch and move your body in different ways throughout the day
    • Avoid foods that are inflammatory and affect bone health
    • Loosen up tight muscles
    • Identify stressors in your life which may be making you clench and hurt even more.

  • Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain combined with fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.

    Symptoms may begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. Fibromyalgia commonly involves systemic inflammation, gut health issues, trauma and chronic stress.

    I often see a people pleasing behavior pattern in those suffering with fibromyalgia. You can heal from fibromyalgia by learning to regulate your nervous system to avoid overwhelm, heal the microbiome, and manage your day so that you can pace yourself.

    The key is to look at what’s not working in your life and find courage to make changes.

  • If you have been inhad a trauma incident, such as a car accident, your body works to protect itself by putting you in a state of “fight, flight, freeze.” This means, the high force of the impact can get trapped in your body and your nervous system, which causes you to feel “stuck.” That high force needs to be discharged by a trained practitioner who specializes in releasing pain associated with traumatic events, such as myself.

    It’s also important to process other issues that might have happened in your life at the time of the accident. This can lead to other memories coupled with the accident, which also need to be healed.

    The best way to feel safe again is through a guided session so your body can complete the “fight or flight” response of that traumatic event.

  • Scars from abdominal/pelvic surgery, trauma, tail bone injuries or episiotomy scars can create havoc in the pelvic area, causing bladder issues, menstrual dysfunction, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, constipation, diarrhea and/or hemorrhoids.

    The best way to get relief is to get pelvic floor treatment. I can teach you and a spouse to use self-massage to relieve the pain in the comfort of your home.

  • Treatments work for some people and not for others depending on the severity of your trauma history versus the amount of love you have received. Often there are hidden traumatic events and limiting beliefs underneath the pain.

    The more challenging history your body and spirit have lived, the more challenging the healing process is.

    To overcome your pain, you need absolutely need a good support system. I give you the support you need to pull you out of the pit you are in and to nurture the wounded inner child within.

  • You can feel less exhausted by breaking free from the things that are keeping you stuck, improving your positive mindset, living your life with purpose and taking the action steps to fulfill what your heart wants. We often take this for granted when we are in pain. I’ll show you how to carry on even when it seems impossible

  • Living with pain is not easy. It affects your everyday life, relationships, self-care and even keeps you from working and being your best. Not being able to “get up and go” to do the things you love causes emotional pain. You may have even given up on doing those things. You don't have to give up on them anymore. Together we will find a way to help you do what you love.

  • Calming your nervous system, reducing stress, doing things that make you happy, eating healthy foods that are right for your body, and sleeping better are all ways to reduce your inflammation. I’ll give you a personalized plan to help you reduce inflammation fast.

  • Our habits, behaviors, beliefs and thoughts are created in our childhood and can carry over into adult life. Together, we take a look at your most impactful memories and help your body experience them in a different way through renegotiating the trauma.

    You will begin to feel a new sense of freedom and move forward to living a life you were meant to live, let go of the past and live life pain free.

  • First you need to take a really close look at what is not working in your life. I will coach you through the changes you need to make so you can make the choices that are best for you. I’ll support you so you will have the courage to take the right actions steps to finally have the life you want. You don’t have to do it alone.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions